XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS: Why Nigerians get killed in other countries - Breaking News in Nigeria today 247 | TheWatchNGR


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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS: Why Nigerians get killed in other countries

Xenophobic attacks, xenophians, xenophobic, south africa

By Eric Patrick,

You will be wondering how these people easily identify Nigerians before attacking them, well, you should know that Nigerians have this kind of intonation that is factually different from the other countries and Nigerians some would say like to show off a lot and this can make other countries to easily identify them.

We have come to realize that other countries like South Africa have Phobia for foreigners so this makes them kill Nigerians and not just Nigerians but other countries. There are some of this attack that is very rampant for example.

Xenophobic attack: fear and hatred of foreigners. This attack is very rampant in South Africa with the series of events recorded as regards to the xenophobic attacks, Nigerians at home have lost interest in visiting that part of Africa for fear of being killed. While the situation at hand does not speak well of Africa as the mother of the countries not on par, there are serious implications that things could become worse and rob South Africa of future international relationships.

Within the last two years, about 116 Nigerians were said to have lost their lives in South Africa through extra-judicial means. political leaders across the world have called on the South African government to take firm measures that will protect Nigerian citizens and other Africans in the country.

The situation at hand has left many people befuddled as no one ever expected that a country that has fought so hard to overcome apartheid will turn her back on other Africans.

Thousands of Nigerians have returned home as many who survived from xenophobic attack in SA lament that they have lost all their properties in the land due to the xenophobic attack.

  Many reasons have been launched forward as to why Nigerians are being attacked by other countries. Even though some of the reasons are farcical, one can not help but consider the element of truth in them.

Below are some detailed reasons

1. The media is a vital tool in this aspect, media will have to intensify on the things they generate; with the way things are, the country's media is being perceived not to have given the citizens the right information about Nigeria.

2. With the various type of news being spread in the country, most of the citizens have this erroneous perception that most Nigerians are criminals and criminals do not deserve to be tempered justice with mercy.

3. This might look funny but then they have these impressions that Nigerians take away their beautiful girls, jobs and even go as far as bringing drugs into the country.

4. The xenophobic attacks being launched on Nigerians may be propelled by the powerful groups behind the countries media. Nigerians are not safe with the ill thoughts being nursed against them by their fellow Africans.

Basically, the reasons other countries derive hatred for Nigerians is because they have a kind of mindset about Nigerians and this is highly dishabilitating and Nigeria has not been able to find deciphering to the issues.
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