Reasons why Kenyans always win marathons - Breaking News in Nigeria today 247 | TheWatchNGR


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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Reasons why Kenyans always win marathons

Kenyans always win marathons, marathons, Kenyans

East Africans especially Kenyans and Ethiopians -- have dominated marathons for decades, dashing across finish lines as their exhausted competitors barely made it. In the process, they've toppled their own records or those of their fellow citizens.

Kenyan marathon runners are such a phenomenon that research organizations have done studies on why they dominate long distance races.

There's so much speculation on why Kenyans and Ethiopians keep crushing marathon competitions, the phenomenon has long been a subject of study.

"The periodic domination of middle and long distance running by different regions of the world is not a new phenomenon," it says. "Researchers are yet to confirm a genetic or physiological advantage in being a middle or long distance runner of East African origin, and it is most likely that the reasons for their success are many."

And while many physiological and anatomical factors have been suggested to explain the East African dominance, research has not revealed any definitive advantage.

Most of the elite runners are from the same region

Most Kenyan elite runners hail from the same ethnic groups known as the Kalenjins and the Nandis. The groups make up just 10% of the nation's population of 50 million -- but bring in a majority of the nation's marathon medals.

"Internationally, Kalenjin runners have won close to 73% of all Kenyan gold medals and a similar percentage of silver medals at major international running competitions," says Vincent O. Onywera, a professor of exercise and sports science at Kenyatta University in Nairobi.

They've passed on the passion for running across generations, turning the Rift Valley -- especially the small town of Iten -- into a mecca for the nation's elite long distance runners. There, children start running at a young age.

A lot of the young people from these areas grow up surrounded by successful runners. Most of them look at running as a way to make money, says coach Bernard Ouma, who trains elite Kenyan runners.

"You see your neighbor run and win, it motivates you to run and win," he says. As a result, their communities have a deep tradition of running excellence built over the years.

They train and live in a high-altitude area

Most of the Kenyan runners who dominate marathons worldwide train and live in the high-altitude Rift Valley.

Iten, one of the towns that produces elite runners, sits nearly 8,000 feet above sea level in western Kenya. Training at high altitudes contributes to a running dominance that makes running at lower elevation child's play, Onywera says.

"There is a widespread belief in the athletic community that altitude training can enhance sea level athletic performance, with at least three independent studies demonstrating that altitude training increases both sea level maximal oxygen consumption and running performance," he says.

There's diet and constant motivation

Iten has become known internationally as the place where long distance champions are made. So much so, runners from around the world go there to train before major races.

"For a start, you have the altitude, the tough rural upbringing and the fact that children run around everywhere. Then there is the simple diet, the lack of junk food, and the perfect running terrain --- rolling hills, dirt roads --- all over the place," he says.

And if that doesn't lure you in, there's the proximity to international elite runners to motivate anyone.
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